‘AG Slips’ are getting ready in AG office to dispatch in next 1-2 weeks. AG is giving now payslips for our ‘Running basic’ only, in GR – 2 designation, by considering & authorising us also in AG account for the first time.
After the clearance of all technical issues of Govt.Order i.e ‘Fixation , Time bound promotions, Rural / PG Allowance eligible Drs list ‘ from Ayush directorate & Govt …..
After the clearance of all technical issues of Govt.Order i.e ‘Fixation , Time bound promotions, Rural / PG Allowance eligible Drs list ‘ from Ayush directorate & Govt …..
then only AG will further update our AG PAY SLIPS to Group – A.
We are glad to convey you all that,
Now our Ayush Directorate is working-out very seriously to resolve the technical issues with the consultation of AG for their requirements which are essential to Upgraded our Posts & Scales in GROUP A,
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