Status of HRMS Updating work is under full speed, As per today afternoon information from HRMS Wing.
Out of around 190 AG Slip received , almost 90% DRs DATA updated in HRMS till today , it was updated very speed in last 2-3 days,
So please check ur HRMS via ur DDO user I.d & confirm yourself & inform KGAMOA also.
As they are saying one who forwarded there AG Slip along with user i.d & password attended successfully ,
One who not forwarded MOs / DDOs User I.d & Password are requested to send there AG SLIP by mentioning at least there mobile no on it. So that Directly can contact & collect the same.
But KGAMOA Not received confirmation messages from our Dist.executives / members sufficiently to consolidate & guage the pace of HRMS updating work .
So pls send the below details now again…..
How many drs ( alonwith name of MO ) in ur dist.
1) Received New AG Slip.
2) How many drs DATA updated in HRMS.
3) Who's DATA Not yet updated till today by confirming today in HRMS .
Monday They we will update all the remaining work of HRMS updation .
So pls let us consolidate again that , send in a district wise information of who's ( AG Slip received Drs ) DATA not updated as on today.
Thanking u ,